First-Tier Event Master Checklist
Getting a Case
Do you have a login?
Did you confirm the date of the First Tier Event?
Under Housing Court Standing Order 1-23, the Answer and Discovery Requests and Jury Demand are due three full business days before the First Tier Event (FTE).
Do you have an e-filing account?
Preparing for the Client Interview
Have you reviewed the Model Answer?
Have you sent a Limited Assistance Representation (LAR) Retainer to your client?
Have you explained to the client what ‘limited assistance’ means? Have you explained the scope of your representation? Have you explained attorney-client privilege?
Have you sent a signed LAR retainer to the Pro Bono Unit?
Have you sent a signed citizenship form to the Pro Bono Unit? Or confirmed there is already one on file?
Have you arranged a good time to speak with the client?
Interview Questions
What are the client’s goals?
*If the tenant says they want to move out, have you reminded them that moving out is ‘easier said than done’? Also, based on the strength of the defenses + counterclaims, they may have an option to move out with an incentive for doing so, instead of being forced out by a fixed date.
What is the living situation?
What type of building?
Single-family? Two-family? Apartment building?
How many units?
When did they move in?
Who lives with them?
What kind of relationship do they have with the landlord?
What’s the affordability of the current home?
What’s the household’s monthly income?
What’s the rent?
How do they pay the rent?
Do they receive a housing subsidy?
For example, do they receive a Section 8 Housing Voucher?
Is there a lease? Was there a lease?
Do they have a copy they can send you?
If behind on rent, by how much?
Have they received a Notice to Quit for nonpayment of rent in the last year?
Have they applied for RAFT?
If so, have they received RAFT?
How much?
When did the landlord receive it?
What are potential claims?
What payments did they make when they moved in?
Security Deposit?
Last Month’s Rent?
For either, did they receive any receipts?
For the security deposit, did the landlord place it in a separate interest-bearing account and inform them of that? Did the LL pay them yearly interest?
For the last month’s rent, did the landlord pay yearly interest?
Do they pay for any utilities?
Heat? Electric?
Is that utility agreement in writing?
Are there bad conditions in their home (either now or in the past six years)?
Examples: leaks, heat issues, mice/cockroaches/bedbugs, drafty windows, lead paint, etc.
For each issue, ask:
How long have they been experiencing the issue? When did the issue begin?
Does the landlord know about the issue?
How? Orally, in writing?
Did the landlord repair the issue promptly?
When was the issue repaired?
How did the issue affect you (and your family)?
What’s happened since receipt of the Notice to Quit?
When did they receive the notice to quit?
Have they made any payments since receiving the notice to quit?
Were there any issues with the landlord accepting payments?
After the Interview
Have you edited the discovery requests to conform to specific information the tenant provided during the interview?
If the tenant tells you that the landlord has a copy of something important – for example, that the landlord came into the property to take photos of conditions – you may want to write a Document Request specifically tailored to that document(s) so that the LL has no wiggle room in not responding.
Have you served the Answer and Discovery Requests before filing them?
If the landlord is represented by counsel, you may serve via email before filing.
If the landlord is pro se, you must serve by mail, allowing for receipt three full business days before the FTE.
Have you reached out to opposing counsel if you think it may be helpful?
Tier 1 Mediation
*If no-cause, have you asked why the landlord wants to evict the tenant?
Beyond Tier 1
Have you established a discovery schedule?