Low Income Taxpayer Clinic
The new LITC assists low-income taxpayers who have a controversy with the IRS.
NLA will provide assistance to eligible individuals who have been notified by the IRS that they owe taxes, are under audit, have filed a petition with the U.S. Tax Court, and individuals who need help obtaining other relief from a tax obligation or an IRS collection effort. NLA does not generally assist in tax return preparation.
Through a generous grant from the Internal Revenue Service, Northeast Legal Aid is able to launch its first Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC).
Northeast Legal Aid (NLA) is a non for profit organization that has extensive experience delivering free legal services to low-income and elderly individuals in many types of civil legal proceedings. NLA takes cases in the following areas: housing, family law, consumer protection, wage and hour, discrimination and racial justice, victims of crime, criminal records sealing, medical-legal issues, public benefits and domestic violence. In addition to providing direct legal representation to low-income and elderly clients, NLA provides training to community members, like “Know your Rights” presentations, information about a legal process change, and general legal advice. NLA also trains community partners to deliver services to the client community. Finally, NLA provides legal information through its website, social media, and public service announcements about changes in the law or the availability of benefits or services that would likely affect the low-income, ESL, and elderly populations which NLA serves. Yearly, NLA handles about 2,000 cases.
The new LITC assists low-income taxpayers who have a controversy with the IRS. NLA will provide assistance to eligible individuals who have been notified by the IRS that they owe taxes, are under audit, have filed a petition with the U.S. Tax Court, and individuals who need help obtaining other relief from a tax obligation or an IRS collection effort. NLA does not generally assist in tax return preparation.
NLA’s purpose is to ensure fairness and integrity in the tax system by:
Providing pro bono representation to low-income tax payers before the IRS, in controversies with the IRS, and before federal courts in a matter of tax litigation
Conducting outreach and education to taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities
Identifying and advocating for issues that impact low-income taxpayers
NLA seeks attorneys (those who are new to the bar and experienced tax attorneys), Certified Public Accountants, and Enrolled Agents to volunteer with this project. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us at https://www.northeastlegalaid.org/volunteer.
For individuals interested in getting help from the Low Income Taxpayer Clinic, please contact us through our intake line, website, or Clinic Director, Mel Jiganti.
Intake Line: 978-458-1465
Online Legal Intake: northeastlegalaid.org/get-legal-help
What documents clients need to send to the LITC
Letters from the IRS
Tax Filings (1040’s, W2’s, 1099’s)