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Pro Bono Events

2024 Volunteer Appreciation Event

On October 24th, we celebrated our Pro Bono attorneys at our 2024 Volunteer Appreciation Event at Spicket River Brewery in Lawrence, MA!

2023 Volunteer Appreciation Event

On October 26th, we celebrated our Pro Bono attorneys at our 2023 Volunteer Appreciation Event at Spicket River Brewery in Lawrence, MA!

Pro Bono Honor Roll

  • Anthony C. Adamopoulos

    Pooja Arora

    Nancy Braman

    Sophia J. Caprio

    Jaylon Carr

    Colin W. Churchill

    Grier Conville

    John Custer

    Yee Du

    Robert Ferullo III

    Hannah Glass

    Jordan Humphrey

    Matt Iler

    Steven Katz

    Lawrence K. Kolodney

    Kevin Liao

    Josie Little

    Sean R. McDonough

    Kathleen McGrath

    Norma T. Mercedes

    Andrew Pearson

    Alex Pechette

    Liz Ranks

    Katie Roche

    Jeffrey Shneidman

    Nathan R. Soucy

    Eric Speed

    Mikaela Taberner

    Amber K. Talbot

    Dan Wade

  • Ron Abramson

    Anthony C. Adamopoulos

    Jonathan Barlam

    Meredith Bayer

    Angelina A. Bruce-Flounory

    Cecilia Bole

    Maureen Carroll

    Rebecca Cazabon

    Martha Coakley

    Thomas D. Doyle

    Matthew Fitzgerald

    Susanne L. Gilliam

    Melanie Kaufman

    Christine M. Kingston

    Lawrence K. Kolodney

    Matthew LaMothe

    Peter Mansur

    Joshua B. Marcus

    Julia Mason

    Sean McDonough

    Kathleen McGrath

    Norma T. Mercedes

    Pamela Mulligan

    Laura J. Parsons

    Andrew Pearson

    Elizabeth Ranks

    Alexander Ried

    Richard Rodriguez

    Nathan R. Soucy

    Eric Speed

    Frederick L. Stoker III

    Amber K. Talbot

    Dan Wade

    Bill Walsh-Rogalski

  • Amber Talbot

    Angelina Bruce-Flounory

    Anthony Adamopoulos

    Anthony Muir

    Bill Walsh-Rogalski

    Bret Thompson

    Carl Fumarola

    Camila Ransom

    Carroll Gee

    Chris Modlish

    Christine Kingston

    David Relethfor

    Ed Daley

    Elizabeth Ranks

    Eric Speed

    Frederick Stoker

    Hannah Glass

    Jack Foster

    John Custer

    John Wessler

    Jonathan Molleur

    Joshua Marcus

    Katherine Baker

    Katherine D. Friedman

    Kate Bergeron

    Kara Thorvaldsen

    Kari Hong

    Kathleen McGrath

    Laura Parsons

    Madeleine Howard-Morrissey

    Margot Thistle

    Marilenin Vasquez

    Marisa Agganis

    Matthew LaMothe

    Michael Pastore

    Michael Utke

    Mikaela Taberner

    Murray Kremer

    Nathan Soucy

    Norma Mercedes

    Pamela Mulligan

    Peter Mansur

    Richard Rodriguez

    Ron Abramson

    Sean Daley

    Sean Murphy

    Susanne Gilliam

    Svetlana Santos

    Theodore Laskaris

    Thomas Doyle

    Thomas Gately

    Thomas Hayman

    William O'Shaughnessy

  • Amber Talbot

    Andrea Moskal

    Andrew Pearson

    Angelina Bruce-Flounory

    Anthony Adamopoulos

    Anthony Muir

    Arthur Phelps

    Bill Walsh-Rogalski

    Bret Thompson

    Brian Kydd

    Carl Fumarola

    Chris Modlish

    Erin Dwyer-Frazier

    Francis Powell

    Frederick Stoker

    Jack Foster

    Jennifer Roma

    John Wessler

    Jonathan Molleur

    Joshua Marcus

    Kate Bergeron

    Katherine Baker

    Katherine Friedman

    Lawrence Kolodney

    Madeleine Howard-Morrissey

    Marilenin Vasquez

    Matthew LaMothe

    Melanie Todman

    Michael Pastore

    Michael Utke

    Nathan Soucy

    Norma Mercedes

    Nur Kara

    Pamela Mulligan

    Peter Mansur

    Rebecca Ryan

    Susanne Gilliam

    Theodore Laskaris

    Thomas Doyle

    Thomas Hayman

Pro Bono Spotlight

Dan Wade

Dan has been a staple at our monthly Lawyer for the Day sessions in Lawrence. He has won many cases on behalf of vulnerable tenants, including getting a case dismissed after receipt of RAFT on behalf of a single mother. In addition to being a highly skilled litigator, Dan shows up ready and willing to help, even in cases where the odds are really stacked against the client. Our clients sense that positive attitude from Dan, and they are able to relax a bit and focus productively on what they can do to improve their situation. Dan is incredibly compassionate with clients, and because of that, they open up to him and trust him. 

We thank Dan for his continuous efforts to serve our community members!

Everybody can be great because anybody can serve.
— Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.